Matthew Finkin

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Droit et travail salarié
La compétition économique internationale et la promotion des politiques néolibérales à l’échelle du globe posent un sérieux défi pour le droit du travail : à savoir, la question même de sa raison d’être ; quelles finalités poursuit-il ? Le projet de recherche se propose d’interroger à nouveaux frais l’histoire du travail salarié et du droit, envisagé dès avant révolution industrielle – de l’antiquité aux temps prémodernes, sans restriction de temps ni de portée - afin de saisir les dimensions sociales, économiques et juridiques plus larges. Le projet devrait aboutir à la rédaction d’un précis d’histoire sociale et juridique du travail salarié et de son droit.
Matthew Finkin professes labor and employment law in both the domestic and comparative context. He is the author or editor, singly or in collaboration, of eleven books including Comparative Labor Law (2015), Multinational Human Resource Management and the Law (2013), the treatise Privacy in Employment Law (four editions), the last five editions of Cox, Bok, & Gorman’s Labor Law, long the leading casebook in American legal education, and a substantial body of periodical writing.
His awards include the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s Research Prize for “internationally acknowledged achievements in labor law” (1995), designation by the University of Illinois as a Center of Advanced Study Professor (2009), honorary doctorates from the University of Trier, Germany (2012), and the University of Athens, Greece (2011), and conferral of the rank of Chevalier in the Ordre des Palmes Académiques by the government of France (2015). In 1997, Professor Finkin assumed joint editorship of the Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal with Professor Sanford Jacoby of the Anderson Graduate School of Management at UCLA. He also serves on the editorial boards of labor law periodicals in Canada, Belgium, Germany, and the U.S.
Professor Finkin has been a Fulbright Professor at Münster University, a German Marshall Fund Lecturer at Konstanz University, and a Resident Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Nantes, France. He has lectured widely in Europe as well as in Asia and South America. Since 1999, he has been a member of the governing board of the Institute for Labor Law and Labor Relations in the European Union, in Trier, Germany and serves on the international advisory board of the Giuseppe Pera Foundation, in Lucca, Italy. His work has been translated into seven languages.In addition to his academic work, Professor Finkin is active as a labor arbitrator. He was elected to the National Academy of Arbitrators and serves on several standing arbitral panels in the public and private sectors. In 2015, he was designated a Fellow by the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) for “outstanding practice in labor and employment relations.”