Laura Candiotto

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projet de recherche
Epistemic Cooperation. The function of positive emotions
The project focuses on three prime areas: (1) Coordination in distributed cognition (2) Affective abilities (3) Cooperation as affective arrangement. In (1) I will address coordination from the distributed model about group cognition. This model deals with systems that feature information-intensive tasks which cannot be processed by a single individual. It differs from the most common summative account about groups, for which a group is the sum of its components, conferring to coordination a primacy in driving cognition. In (2) I will examine the role of emotions among the different functions that contribute to coordination and then to cooperation. Specifically, I will test out the hypothesis for which a specific kind of emotions – namely, positive emotions – are beneficial for the creation of group knowledge, fine-graining their functionality in the establishment of cooperative bonds as extended expertise. The analysis of case studies will frame the inquiry into the horizon of the affective arrangements in (3). The function of cooperation as affective arrangement that drives group cognition will be disclosed in its strengths and shortcomings, evaluating its social and political dimension.
I am a Marie Curie Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, where I lead the project “Emotions First. Feeling Reasons: the Role of Emotions in Reasoning”, funded by the EU, and hosted by the Eidyn Research Centre. Previously I worked as Postdoctoral Fellow in Theoretical Philosophy at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. I received my Phd in 2011 at the same University, in partnership with CNRS and Paris-Sorbonne. My area of specialization is philosophy of emotions. I am working on the epistemic role of emotions in collective processes of reasoning and decision making, focusing in social epistemology, as well as philosophy of mind and cognitive science. In the past I worked on the metaphysical notion of relatedness, on social interactions and dialogical inquiry, both in theoretical philosophy and the history of philosophy, with a specific focus on the Platonic account. I have published widely (2 monographs and a third forthcoming, 7 edited volumes, 17 papers in journals, 19 book chapters, 3 encyclopedia entries, 12 reviews) and I have an international profile, proven by my participation in more than 50 conferences and research group memberships.