Bruno Giorgini

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projet de recherche
The Physics of the City. Complexity in Urban Mobility Networks from Venezia to Marseille
What would I like to do, to study, to research during my permanence at IMéRA Institute? Essentially the Physics of the City, the main idea being to research the complexity degree in the mobility phenomena, assumed as an expression of the social composition and dynamics, which are in Marseille rich of variability and intertwined of differences. A part of this project would be performed working with an artist, Mariateresa Sartori, in view of building up a common frame with a visual and multimedia communication system on the Marseille complex mobility networks. Finally, I would like to collect all the experiences, the theoretical assumptions and results, not only mathematical but also philosophical and methodological, often implicit, that from ten years are produced in the Physics of the City Laboratory context, i.e. may be to write a book on this subject. Or, at least, to prepare the materials for a book with the same title of this project.
Bruno Giorgini is Researcher at the Physics of the City Laboratory (CIG Bologna University), and at INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), group VI (theoretical physics).
Bruno Giorgini est actuellement chercheur principal associé à l'INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) et directeur de la Radio Popolare di Milano. Auparavant, il a étudié les trous noirs, les ondes gravitationnelles et le cosmos, puis est passé du ciel sur la terre avec la théorie des fractures, des systèmes complexes et la physique de la ville. Jeune homme, il a pratiqué de nombreuses lignes droites révolutionnaires, il a écrit pour le quotidien Lotta Continua et est intervenu sur la Radio Alice et de Radio Città. Les deux arcs-en-ciel - un voyage d'un physicien théoricien dans la constellation du cancer - Aracne est son dernier livre.