Susan Prentice

Susan Prentice
pas labex
pas Eurias

dates de séjour

01/09/2010 - 30/06/2011



Fonction d’origine


Institution d’origine

Université du Manitoba, Winnipeg (Canada)

pays d'origine


projet de recherche

Work-Family reconciliation in Canada and the EU : Meeting the challenge of gender and generational justice.

My research program begins with my concerns about social inequality, social welfare and social change, with particular interest in family relations and systemic discrimination. The project is designed to explore how European and Canadian state and social movement actors represent, advance and defend work-family reconciliation measures, using the lens of generational and gender justice. The project will assess public policy and social movement practice in France, Sweden and the UK, as well as across the European Union.

While at the Collegium of Lyon, Susan Prentice will be undertaking her project, which is also supported by a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada grant.


"I work in two broad areas of scholarship, each of which I undertake with a critical focus on gender relations. My primary specialization is contemporary and historical childcare policy and advocacy. Childcare provides a window into state-society relations at the exact moment where family, women's work, social policy and the state, market forces/privatization, and social movement organizing intersect, and these have been the focus of my research program. My secondary arena of specialization is higher education, where I am keen to understand how formally neutral institutions co-exist with inequality and marginalization. I am trained as an historical sociologist, and so try to bring an historical as well as a sociological imagination to my work. As part of my research program, I work closely with social movements. I believe community-university collaboration is a site of exciting scholarship and knowedge generation and that applied work with social movements is important.A conciderable portion of my communication and dissemination work is oriented to popular audiences, social movements, elected officials and decision makers".