Ramses Abul Naga

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projet de recherche
Income Redistribution with Indivisible Allocations
Consider the problem of allocating a wage bill w among a group of n workers, where pay is defined over k predefined earnings levels. This problem is intermediate between the problem of distributing equitably an indivisible good on the one hand, and the problem of redistributing income, when income is treated as a continuous variable. The project will exploit the discrete nature of the problem to analyse redistribution as a cooperative game defined on a finite ordered set. The research will explore four related questions: (i) under what conditions do distributions of a wealth endowment of size w over n persons exist, with restricted shares?, (ii) what form progressive transfers between individuals may take, (iii) the limits to redistribution in presence of indivisibilities and (iv) some algorithmic aspects of computing egalitarian distributions.
Ramses joined the University of Aberdeen as a SIRE Reader in October 2010. This is a joint appointment between the Business School and the Health Economics Research Unit. His research interests are centred in the areas of public economics, health economics, micro-econometrics and the measurement of inequality and wellbeing.
Ordered response data and anthropometric data abound in developing country demographic and health surveys. A leading example of an ordered response variable is self-assessed health. Anthropometric data include height, weight, body mass and waist circumference.
At HERU, Ramses undertakes methodological research on the following topics:
The measurement of social welfare and inequality in relation to both ordered response data and anthropometric data.
The development of inferential tools (specifically, sampling distributions and hypotheses tests) for indices of welfare and inequality, especially in the context of anthropometric data but also for ordered response data.
Finally, Ramses is also interested in the utilisation of such methodologies to inform health policy in the context of developing countries.
Ramses holds an MSc and a PhD in economics from the London School of Economics. He has held earlier appointments at the University of Lausanne and the University of Bath.