Jiahong Sun

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Bringing forward a new understanding of China through the study of its legal tradition and modernization
China had a colorful legal tradition ever for centuries, which seems has been completely overlooked for such a long time by the Westerners as well as most of the Chinese jurists and historians. A great movement of legal reform started in the first decade of the 20th century when the last Ch’ing dynasty just came to his end, actually and in result which may lay the logical legal foundation for the new government of China, even till today for the PRC. This research program aims to present some new and important aspects of Chinese legal history to the French and European scholars, as a part of the former program Legalizing Space in China led by Professor Jérôme Bourgon at the ENS de Lyon. This project includes essentially re-editing, punctuating, and translating some classic Chinese legal documents with a critical mind, the main parts of which should be the Ming and Ch’ing code (Da Ming lü et Da Qing lüli). We believe that would give us many detailed knowledge about such a complicated legal system. Besides, some conferences and seminars will allow students and professors in Asian and Social Studies to get acquainted with Chinese law and its long legal tradition.
Sun Jiahong is employed as a professional researcher by Law Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) since from September 2011 after finishing his post-doctoral project in Peking university. He does his research actively in the field of Chinese legal history. He graduated from law school of Peking university and got his PhD in the summer of 2008, whose tutor is Prof. Li Guilian, one of the best Chinese professors in his academic field of Chinese legal history for his splendid and classic study on the great legal reform which happened during the first decade of the 20th century. Sun Jiahong has many publications after 2002 when he was a master candidate in the history department of Peking university. In July 2007, his first monograph was published with the name of Autumn Assises of Qing Dynasty. One year later, in the December of 2008, he won the prize of Chinese Legal History and Culture Award for the first session presented by the Chinese Ministry of Education . Then he has make his research and publicated many papers in recent ten years, focusing on so many special subjects as the legal reform late Qing, the secret handbooks of litigation masters, the history of Chinese modern economics, and so on. Furthermore, just in October 2015, his third book, The Historical Development of the Law of ‘Disobeident Deccendents’ in Traditional China from the Perspective of Micro-legal History(Press of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 2013), won the highest prize of Chinese social sciences, Hu Sheng Prize.