Ronny Vollandt

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Ancient Jewish historiography in Arabic garb: Sefer Yosippon among Jews, Christians, and Muslims
Largely based on the original Greek writings of Josephus, Sefer Yosippon is a historical narrative in Hebrew, written in southern Italy in the tenth century. The text is of anonymous authorship and describes the period of the Second Temple. It was popular in the Middle Ages. Several distinct translations into Judaeo-Arabic exist, by whose intermediation Sefer Yosippon was subsequently adopted by the Coptic Church. The Copto-Arabic recension, known as Kitab al-akhbār al-'ibrāniyyin ‘The book of historical reports on the Hebrews’, not only gained an almost canonical in the Coptic Church, but also constituted a source for Muslim authors to acquaint themselves with Ancient Jewish history. Despite its importance, the Arabic versions –both of Jewish and Christian provenance - have remained largely unresearched and neglected by scholars. The proposed research therefore attempts a comprehensive study of Arabic versions of the Sefer Yosippon and its transmission history among the Coptic Church and Muslim authors.
Ronny Vollandt est Professeur en études et culture juives à l’Université Louis-et-Maximilien de Munich, après avoir été notamment chercheur associé senior à la Research Unit Intellectual History of the Islamicate World de l’Université libre de Berlin (2013-2015) et chercheur associé (post-doc) à l'Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes au CNRS à Paris (2011-2012). Il est titulaire d’un doctorat de la Faculté d'études asiatiques et moyen-orientales de l’Université de Cambridge (2011), avec une thèse intitulée: Christian-Arabic translations of the Pentateuch from the 9th-13th centuries: a comparative study of manuscripts and translation techniques. En 2018, il était résident au Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies de l’Université de Hambourg.