Pia Campeggiani

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projet de recherche
The Passionate Insight: Moral Emotions in Ancient Greece
My project aims to provide a comprehensive and accurate account of Aristotle’s theory of emotion. Most interpretations of Aristotle’s emotion theory provide us with an essentially disembodied reading of Aristotle’s views of cognitive and affective phenomena. During my stay in Paris, I will address the limitations of existing interpretations and focus on the following two main objectives: (1) to shed light on Aristotle’s conceptualization of emotion as a capacity of living beings by contextualizing it in the wider framework of his theory of cognition; (2) to explore fully the implications of Aristotle’s definition of emotions as ‘enmattered accounts’ not only in his psychology and natural philosophy, but also in his ethics, politics, rhetoric, and poetics.
Pia Campeggiani holds a BA and an MA in Philosophy from the University of Bologna and a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Law from the University of Pisa. Since 2013, she has been working at the University of Bologna as a postdoctoral fellow and as an adjunct professor of moral philosophy. In 2015 and 2016, she also worked at the University of Edinburgh, first as a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, then as a visiting scholar at the School of History, Classics and Archaeology.
She is the author of the monograph Le ragioni dell’ira Potere e riconoscimento nell’antica Grecia [The Reasons for Anger: Power and Recognition in Ancient Greece] (2013). Her most recent publications include the article ‘Other selves in fiction: Philia, eleos, and the ethics of narrative’ (Maia, 2017, 1) and the entry ‘Emotions’ for the Oxford Bibliographies in Classics (2017, with David Konstan).
Her work is on the philosophy of emotions, with a special focus on the role of emotions in ancient Greek ethics and poetics. She is particularly interested in exploring the relevance of ancient views for contemporary accounts. At SCAS, she will be working on pity, fellow-feeling and emotional understanding in Aristotle’s ethics and aesthetics.