Anne K. Jones

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projet de recherche
Development of Bio-Inspired Carbon Dioxide Reduction Catalysts
Human use of fossil fuels has led to production of greenhouse gases and associated climate change. Of chief concern among these pollutants is carbon dioxide, and development of scalable and efficient methods to recapture this carbon dioxide and incorporate it into fuel molecules would reinvent the alternative energy landscape. The challenge is that carbon dioxide does not react readily with other chemicals. Many living organisms catalyze incorporation of carbon dioxide into organic molecules using earth-abundant transition metal centers. This project will use ideas gleaned from the study of biological catalysis to develop new inorganic, molecular catalysts for reduction of carbon dioxide. In particular, tethering of acid/base residues to the periphery of the catalytic metal will be evaluated as a means to enhance the activity of a modest catalyst.
Anne K. Jones is an Associate Professor in the School of Molecular Sciences at Arizona State University. She received BSc degrees in Chemistry and Mathematics from the University of the South and a D. Phil in Inorganic Chemistry at Oxford University. She completed post-doctoral work at the Humboldt University in Berlin and the University of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Jones has been with ASU since 2007, cultivating a lab group that explores the interface of biology and inorganic chemistry using electrochemical methods to study the mechanisms of biological and bio-inspired redox catalysts relevant to energy production. The group focuses on defining the underlying mechanisms of proton-coupled electron transfer which allows nature to perform sophisticated and energetically challenging reduction reactions. Anne K. Jones is also a member and part of the leadership team of the Center for Biological Electron Transfer & Catalysis, a DOE-funded Energy Frontier Research Center at Montana State University.