Emel Akcali

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projet de recherche
Neoliberal Governmentality and Its limits: the Challenges of State and Societal Trans-formation in (Post) Revolutionary Tunisia
At IMERA, Emel Akçalı will concentrate on her research on the challenges of the state and societal transformation process in post-revolutionary Tunisia where she has been conducting fieldwork since March 2013. By drawing upon insights from various disciplines: sociology, history, political science, international relations, philosophy and social psychology, her research scrutinizes the new forms of subjectivities, hybrid identities and transformed structures which have emerged as a result of the post-Revolutionary process in Tunisia. In so doing, Akçalı’s work aims to problematize whether a successfully functioning representative democracy, a liberal constitution and a flourishing civil society now indicate that the Tunisian socio-political actors have been able to genuinely transform the social structures and social relations within which they have been embedded at both local and global levels The research project will also examine the theoretical added value of critical realist premises to the Foucauldian governmentality framework, in order to be able to analyse the scope for genuine revolutionary change at state and societal level.
Emel Akçalı is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Politics and International Relations. Prior to coming to Swansea, she was a resident fellow at the IMERA - Institute of Advanced Study of Aix Marseille University in France and an assistant professor at the International Relations Department of Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. Her teaching and research interests span the state, society, conflict and politics in the Middle East and North Africa, social movements, upheavals and (trans-)formation of collective identities in the age of globalization, the limits of neoliberal governmentality outside of the Western realm, critical realist philosophy and non-Western and alternative globalist geopolitical discourses. She has been awarded the CEU Institute of Advanced Study and Aix-Marseille University Institute for Advanced Study resident fellowships for her on-going research on the challenges of state and societal transformation in post-revolutionary Tunisia. She is the author of Chypre: Un enjeu géopolitique actuel (l’Harmattan, Paris, 2009) and her work has been published in Political Geography, Security Dialogue, Eurasian Geography and Economics, Antipode, Annals of the American Geographers, Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Geopolitics. She has also recently published an edited volume from Palgrave entitled Neoliberal Governmentality and the Future of the State in the Middle East and North Africa.