Duncan Gallie

dates de séjour
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pays d'origine
projet de recherche
Social Inequalities at Work : A Comparison of France and Britain
My proposed project would involve a comparative analysis of trends in inequalities in work using the British Skills and Employment surveys and the French Enquêtes Conditions du Travail, with a particular focus on the impact of the recent period of economic crisis. In particular, I will be concerned with whether the period of the crisis had relatively general effects across the work force or led to an accentuation of inequalities between different categories of employee. I will focus on whether there were differential trends by occupational class, sex and age. The research should lead to a better understanding of the institutional dynamics of the two countries and of the institutional determinants of differences in job quality. I would cooperate during the Fellowship in particular with two groups of French researchers – the specialists in the quality of work in the Centre d’Économie, University of Paris 1, on the one hand, and the Laboratoire de sociologie quantitative (LSQ) at CREST-GENES on the other.
Duncan Gallie joined Nuffield College as an Official Fellow in 1985 and became Professor of Sociology in 1996. He has been Vice-President Social Sciences of the British Academy (2004 -2006) and Foreign Secretary of the British Academy (2006-2011). His research is in economic sociology, in particular the quality of work and the social consequences of unemployment.
Duncan Gallie est professeur émérite au Nuffield College d’Oxford depuis 1985 et est devenu professeur de sociologie à l’Université d’Oxford en 1996. Il a été membre de comités scientifiques consultatifs pour plusieurs institutions de recherche européennes : IRESCO (Institut pour la Recherche, le Dévéloppement socio-économique et la Communication), IFRESI (Institut Fédératif Recherche Economies Stés Industrielles), CREST-GENES (Centre de recherche en économie et statistique-Groupe des Écoles Nationales d'Économie et Statistique), l’École d’économie de Paris et l’Institut national danois de la recherche sociale. Il a été conseiller auprès du gouvernement français en la qualité de membre d’un groupe d’expert sur les risques psychosociaux au travail (2011) et vice-président (2004- 2006) puis secrétaire aux affaires étrangères et vice-président de la British Academy (2006-2011).