Anne-Lise Giraud

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projet de recherche
Contour, rhythm or content? What does dogs brain grasp from human speech?
Neural oscillations are involved in speech perception in humans, in particular in the syllabification of continuous speech and in the encoding of the syllabic content. Whether neural oscillations evolved to match the acoustic properties of speech or whether speech evolved to match the neural properties of the auditory cortex is an open question. In this project we plan to use the pet dog as a model of human speech perception (comprehension) without the possibility to produce speech and adapt to it by modifying its rhythmicity. Our project is to gain insight into this language evolution issue by exploring syllable tracking of speech by neural oscillations using EEG in pet dogs.
Anne-Lise Giraud obtained her PhD in Neurosciences at University Claude Bernard Lyon in 1997. She subsequently did a post-doctoral training in at the Functional Imaging Laboratory at UCL in London, and two years later joined the Goethe University in Frankurt/Main, where she became a Principal Investigator at the Frankfurt Brain Imaging Center. She was appointed CNRS research associate in 2003 and then research director in 2006. In 2005, she co-founded the Cognitive Neuroscience Inserm Lab (U960) at Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris), where she directed an Inserm team (AERES ranking A+) for 7 years. In 2011 she was awarded the Prime d’excellence scientifique du CNRS, as well as a consolidator grant from the European Research Council. In 2013, she was appointed full professor at the University of Geneva. Since then she obtained several grants from the Swiss National Funds and the European Commission to carry out her experimental and theoretical research on the role of neural oscillations in speech sampling and coding, which she and her team currently explore using a combination of invasive electrophysiology in patients, computational modeling and conventional neuroimaging mostly with MEG.