Transforming the centre of Lyon in the Second Empire (1853-70): business, capital gain and social cleansing
Collegium de Lyon, 69 rue Baldassini, 69007 Lyon
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Le géographe Bernard Gauthiez, du laboratoire EVS (Environnement, Ville, Société), professeur à l'Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, est l'invité du Collegium de Lyon pour la Soirée du 20 mars 2018. Sa présentation, qui se déroule en anglais, s'intitule "Transforming the centre of Lyons in the Second Empire (1853-70): business, capital gain and social cleansing".
La conférence est suivie d'un buffet dinatoire convivial.
La Soirée est ouverte à tous sur inscription.
Résumé :
The transformation of Lyons decided by Napoléon 3rd led to the establishment of two large new streets through the old fabric of the center of the city between 1853 and 1860. Several results were aimed at, notably the extension of the business center, the embellishment of the city, sewers and drinking water in every building. Another scope was to suppress the threat of insurrection by the workers, especially the silk weavers. This was solved by the transfer of 30 000 inhabitants to an area on the left bank of the River Rhône.