Growth in Europe ?
Growth in Europe ?
Jeudi 24 et vendredi 25 septembre 2015
Lieu : La Vieille Charité, Marseille
Amine Asselah (Paris-Est, IMéRA).
Raouf Boucekkine (AMSE, AMU).
Didier Laussel (AMSE, IMéRA).
Infos, inscription obligatoire: Yves Doazan,
Since 2008, Europe is getting through a hard sequence of crises starting with the subprime mortgage crisis, which spread from the US. From the end of 2009, the international crisis turns to be primarily a European one as the soveraign debts burdens started to threaten the stability of the whole eurozone. Among the European countries, the southern members are usually designated as the worst students in the class. This conference gathers distinguished researchers from Greece, Italy, Spain and France to identify the mechanisms behind the current economic turmoil in Southern Europe, and to reflect on possible paths out of this global crisis.
This is a joint event of Aix-Marseille Institute for Advanced Study and Aix-Marseille School of Economics.
Philippe Askenazy (PSE, Paris)
Samuel Bentolila (CEMFI, Madrid)
Gilbert Cette (Banque de France, AMSE).
Juan J. Dolado (Institut Europeen de Florence)
Vincezo Galasso (Bocconi, Milan)
Giuseppe Nicoletti (OCDE, Paris)
Dimitri Vayanos (LSE, Londres)
Nikos Vettas (Athens University & IOBE)