The autonomous Mind Hypothesis


Mardi 17 Juin 2014, 14h00


IMéRA / L’Institut Méditerranéen de Recherches Avancées, 2 place Le Verrier, 13004 Marseille - (France)

The autonomous Mind Hypothesis




L’IMéRA (Institut d’études avancées de l’université d’Aix-Marseille) a le plaisir de vous inviter à l'atelier "The autonomous Mind Hypothesis - Core Idea and Consequences", organisé dans le cadre de la résidence de Zdravko Radman, Professeur de Philisophie, Université de Split, Croatie.


Lieu : IMéRA (salle de conférence de la Maison des astronomes), 2 place Le Verrier, 13004 Marseille

Entrée libre


Based on the idea that intellectualism (still a dominant view in philosophy of mind and cognitive science) is not right but also that being anti-intellectualist is not enough, the workshop addresses the problem of categorical gap that these approaches create and critically examines consequences of such bipolarity. By outlining the idea of the autonomous mind one wants to draw attention to mental constellation and processes that speak in favor of undivided cognitive organism and agent. Instead of understanding the nature of the mental primarily in contrastive terms we rather believe that a continuity thesis is a better explanatory candidate. A very precondition for the ‘ungapped’ transition between the motor and mental, gesture and thought, emotion and cognition, etc. is the existence of the mental mechanism functioning in an autonomous way, that is, apart from conscious control or volition.  Consequently, we have to grant cognitive competence also to instances below the threshold of conscious thought and acknowledge its capacity to generate meaningfulness before the narrative ‘self’ comes to words.


Organizer: Zdravko RADMAN, IMéRA ; University of Split, Croatia


Invited Participants:

Viktor JIRSA, Institut des sciences du mouvement, AMU/CNRS

Yousri MARZOUKI, Laboratoire de psychologie cognitive, AMU/CNRS

Paul-Antoine MIQUEL, Département de philosophie, université de Toulouse Le Mirail

Olivier OULLIER, Laboratoire de psychologie cognitive, AMU/CNRS

Miroslav RADMAN, Université René Descartes ; Académie des Sciences, Institut de France

Sébastien TASSY, Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Marseille (Psychiatrie)


15/02/2014 - 15/07/2014