Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly

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projet de recherche
Mediterranean Borders In Globalization
This project, the Mediterranean Borders In Globalization (MBIG) project is premised on the assumption that the territorial framework for understanding borders is being challenged fundamentally through new technologies of information and communication that are now regularly applied in the monitoring, surveillance and security of borders. Rather than territorial, new borders are potentially, a-territorial. They are biometric and, also possibly everywhere. This process, however, is progressive and takes varied forms across the world; international boundaries, walled borders, and other bordering policies are still very much part of our world but new borders and bordering processes are also appearing: this ground breaking research program is focusing on this transition with a specific focus on new borders and bordering processes around the world and particularly across the European Union Mediterranean regions.
Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly joined the School of Public Administration in 2001. He is a political scientist, specializing in comparative and urban politics. He worked for the French public sector for 10 years, including postings with the French Small Business Administration and the Nord Pas-de-Calais Regional Council. Prior to his appointment at UVic, Emmanuel was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Western Ontario from 1999-2000, and Assistant Director of the Nanovic Institute for European Studies at the University of Notre Dame from 2000-2001.
At UVic’s School of Public Administration he is Jean Monnet Chair in European Urban and Border Region Policy, Director of the European Studies minor and of the European Union Centre for Excellence.