La fondation RFIEA est l'un des cofondateurs de l'Alliance européenne des sciences humaines et sociales (EASSH), créée en 2015 et qui réunit aujourd'hui 65 acteurs importants des SHS en Europe (dont 30 associations disciplinaires comme l'European Sociological Association, l'European Association for Digital Humanities, l'European Consortium for Policy Research, European Educational Research Association, professionnelles comme Academia Europaea, CESSDA, CLARIN, DARIAH, European Science Foundation, Net4Society, etc.).
Grâce à ses analyses publiées régulièrement et son travail de concertation et de proposition, EASSH est aujourd'hui considérée comme un interlocuteur important (stakeholder) par la Commission européenne. L'Alliance est une association Loi 1901 domicilée à Paris. La fondation RFIEA a participé au Conseil d'adminsitration entre 2015 et 2018 puis a été élue à la présidence du Conseil de 2018 à 2021. Au cours de ces années, le directeur de la fondation a représenté au sein d'EASSH à la fois le Réseau européen des instituts d'édtues avancées NETIAS et l'Alliance nationale pour les sciences humaines et sociales Athéna.
What EASSH does
EASSH provides a platform for engagement among its member organisations and for the promotion of a shared commitment to the advancement of the social sciences and humanities in Europe and in the member states of the European Union.
It provides a channel for information, ideas, policy proposals and consultations shared between its member organisations and policy makers, advisers, public–private partnerships, administrators and practitioners. It engages with policy institutions on the design, implementation and oversight of multi-national and European research programmes.
It promotes the role of the social sciences and humanities in support of more informed, innovative, cohesive, sustainable and resilient societies. It provides a coherent voice in science policy from a SSH perspective in Europe and beyond.
How EASSH works
EASSH draws on the expertise and insight of its member organisations working through the Alliance’s annual General Assembly. It establishes working groups to bring more focused expertise from across the social sciences and humanities to bear on public debate, so as to strengthen European research and to improve interactions among public and private partners.
It works through its Governing Board to engage with policymakers and public and private agencies in support of the actions agreed in the General Assembly.