Initié par la fondation RFIEA et l'IEA de Paris en 2019, le programme CAT est une initaitive menée au sein du réseau européen Netias. Elle a pour objectif de soutenir des groupes de chercheurs européens en début de carrière afin de leur permettre de développer des projets innovants sur les grands défis sociétaux en bénéficiant de l'accueil et de l'environnement scientifique de plusieurs instituts d'études avancées en Europe.
The programme is non-thematic, inter-disciplinary and bottom-up. Supported groups are encouraged to collaborate with various societal stakeholders. CAT supports groups of scholars (up to five people) by providing them access to the best research environments in Europe via hosting the teams at the participating IAS’s (up to six visits, max two weeks duration). Selected CAT teams’ travel and accommodation expenses are covered by the hosting institutes.
Participating institutes in Europe
2019/2020: 11
2020/2021: 12
2021/2022: 12
2022/2023: 16
Coordinating institutes
2019/2020: Paris Institute for Advanced Study (France)
2020/2021: Zukunfstkolleg Konstanz (Germany)
2021/2022: Institute for Advanced Study CEU (Germany)
2022/2023: Israel Institute for Advanced Study (Israel)
Rounds of applications
2019/2020: five CAT teams selected
2020/2021: three CAT teams selected
2021/2022: two CAT teams selected
2022/2023: selection in progress
Groups selected in 2019
- “Unravelling existential suffering and its relation to depression in older adults: EXIST-well in nursing homes”, led by Jessie DEZUTTER, KU Leuven.
- “Cartoons in Court: Towards a Forensic Analysis of Visual Humor”, led by Alberto GODIOLI, University of Groningen.
- “Moving beyond traditional methods of identifying and overcoming negative attitudes towards vaccinations”, led by Angelos KASSIANOS, University College London and University of Cyprus.
- “A psycholegal approach to international criminal justice. Improving decision making in the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court”, led by Anna SAGANA, Maastricht University.
- “Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Empirical Research: Critical Reflections on Concepts, Data and Methods”, led by Ilona WYSMULEK, Polish Academy of Sciences.
Groups selected in 2020
- “Socio-ecological reshaping of European Cities and Metropolitan Areas”, led by Jochen HACK, TU Darmstadt.
- “Reconstituting Publics through Remembering Transitions: Facilitating Critical Engagement with the 1980-90s on Local and Transnational Scales”, led by Ksenia ROBBE, University of Groningen.
- “Light as a Key Predictor of Human Health and Well-being: Robust Evidence and Translation to Public Health”, led by Manuel SPITSCHAN, University of Oxford.
Groups selected in 2021
- "Challenges for the development of fair language-based assessments of health, education, behaviour, and beyond", led by Damian Blasi, Max Plank Institute for the Science of Human History.
- “Screening European Populisms (2008-2020): Audiovisual Fiction, Social Media, and Political Affect”, led by Valerio COLADONATO, EHESS/Univesity of Sapienza.