Maurizio GATTI

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New revised and updated edition of the anthology: Amerindian literature of Quebec: French language writings, Montreal, Bibliothèque Québécoise, 2009.
In 2004, Maurizio Gatti published the first anthology of Quebec Native literature (Éditions Hurtubise) with the purpose of gathering and introducing Native authors to the mainstream reading public. This anthology quickly became an appreciated and useful reference tool. After being reprinted many times, in 2009 Gatti published a paperback revised and updated edition (Bibliothèque Québécoise). As the number of Native authors and their books continues to increase, he decided to work on a third edition of the anthology enhanced with new authors and new texts.
Born in Rome, Maurizio Gatti has a Master’s degrees in Foreign Languages and Literature (Università degli Studi Roma Tre, 1997) and in Tibetan Language and Literature (Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente, 1999). In Quebec, he completed a PhD in Quebec Literature (Université Laval, 2004) and did his post-doctoral studies on Quebec Native Literature (Université du Québec à Montréal, 2005-2007). He has published different anthologies, essays and articles on Native literatures in Quebec, French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Morocco and Algeria. From 2004 to 2017, he was Professor of Phonetics and Italian language at the Conservatory of Music in Quebec City and he was in charge of the Survey of periodicals and the Survey of dissertations for the scholarly journal Études/Inuit/Studies. He is currently an independent researcher, interpreter and translator.