Data-driven Exploration of Dynamical Network (DexDyn) Equipe

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DExDyN (Data-driven Exploration of Dynamical Networks)
The present proposal aims at developing exploratory visual frameworks that are capable of conveying both the social and the dynamical aspects of digitally-represented activity records from mobile devices and wearable sensors. The goal is to overcome the static nature of traditional representations by leveraging dynamical quantities and exposing interactions and patterns over time, in a way that effectively supports reasoning on these complex data sources. The proposal willaddress this challenge bridging the gap between the complex networks perspective and the designperspective, where visual communication - and in particular the language of cartography – acquires a role complementary to textual communication.
Chiro CATTUTO est docteur en physique théorique de l'Université de Pérouse, chercheur en sciences des réseaux complexes et directeur scientifique de la Fondation ISI à Turin (coordinateur)
Wouter VAN DEN BROECK, chercheur et designer (dynamic visualisation, artscience, interaction design)
Marco QUAGGIOTTO, chercheur sur les réseaux complexes à la Fondation ISI à Turin ainsi que designer, Politecnico di Milano. Ses thématiques de recherche portent sur la représentation du savoir, les visualisations et le design.