Présentation et workshop de l'équipe 'Dynamicals Networks'

MéRA / L’Institut, Méditerranéen de Recherches Avancées,
2 place Le Verrier, 13004 Marseille - (France)
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The present proposal aims at developing exploratory visual frameworks that are capable of conveying both the social and the dynamical aspects of digitally-represented activity records from mobile devices and wearable sensors. The goal is to overcome the static nature of traditional representations by leveraging dynamical quantities and exposing interactions and patterns over time, in a way that effectively supports reasoning on these complex data sources. The proposal willaddress this challenge bridging the gap between the complex networks perspective and the designperspective, where visual communication - and in particular the language of cartography – acquires a role complementary to textual communication.
Le programme du workshop
10h30 - 10h45: welcome
10h45 - 12h15: presentation team
12h15-13h30: pause déjeuner
13h30 - 13h45: introduction speakers
13h45 - 14h30: presentation Donato Ricci
DensityDesign lab, Design Department, Politecnico Milano, Italy
14h30 - 15h15: presentation Andrew Vande Moere
Department of Architecture, Urban Design and Regional Planning, KUL, Belgium -
15h15 - 15h30: pause
15h30 - 16h15: presentation Niels Schrader
Mind Design, Amsterdam - Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam, Netherlands
16h15 - 17h00: presentation Tommaso Venturini
Médialab, Sciences Po Paris, France
17h00 - 17h30: panel discussion