Sara Galletti

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projet de recherche
Practice into Theory: Philibert Delorme, the 'Premier tome de l’architecture' (1567), and the Profession of Architecture in Early Modern France
The proposed project analyses the connections between architectural theory and practice in fifteenth- to seventeenth-century France. The project focuses on Philibert Delorme’s architectural treatise, the Premier tome de l’architecture (1567), in relation to early modern architectural theory across Europe, French practice in the late medieval and early modern times and the modes of transmission of architectural knowledge before (and aside from) theory and the emergence of a new professional figure of the architect as construed in early modern theoretical discourse across Europe and as experienced in French early modern practice.
Sara Galletti is an Assistant Professor of Art and Architectural History. She received a joint Ph.D. in the History of Architecture and Urbanism from the Université de Paris IV–Sorbonne and the Università IUAV of Venice. Her main field of research and teaching is the history and theory of sixteenth-and seventeenth-century architecture in France. Her first book, Le Palais du Luxembourg de Marie de Médicis, 1611-1631, was recently published by Éditions Picard (Paris, 2012). She is currently working on a project titled Practice into Theory: Philibert Delorme, the Premier Tome de l’Architecture (1567), and the Profession of Architecture in Early Modern France, which analyses the connections between architectural theory and practice in fifteenth- to seventeenth-century France.