Zaven Paré

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projet de recherche
Sonzai-Kan and Cognition (Behavior Monitoring Interpretation for Interaction Design)
My unique background of the understanding of the mechanism of Sonzai-Kan (Presence Effect of the contemporary interrelationship between robots and humans) will be helpful to build upon and go beyond the insights gained from analysing the existing data. My long-term plan is to be able to give to these previous consistent experiments a new theoretical framework, and to establish the study of the Presence Effect (the minimum perceptual activity in the situated interaction, integrity of the reference posture, embodiment as a paradigm of identity, signs of connection, realignment operations, gestures resulting from stress, pacifying gestures and triggers and layering of these gestures) as a segment of cognitive studies within telecommunication science in the West. Also, by being actively engaged in new practical experiments, I hope to promote the application of the research results in connection with the Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone.
Based in Brazil, Zaven Paré works as a researcher in addition to his teaching career. Currently he is a postdoctoral fellow in “interaction design” at the Escola Superior de Design Industrial/Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (ESDI/UERJ), where he builds upon other fellowships he has held in engineering, notably in robotics in the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory of Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro at Osaka University. Some of his honors include French American Fund for Performing Arts Laureate at the California Institute for the Arts (CalArts), Villa Kujoyama Laureate and the Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) Laureate. He is the author of L’âge d’or de la robotique Japonaise (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2016).