Stefano Targetti

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Integrating farm-level socio-economic indicators and ecosystem services into the LPJmL model
The objective of the research granted by Imera is to achieve a better understanding of the causal relationships and feedbacks between ecosystem services and farm-level socio-economic indicators. The study expects to improve the knowledge base in support of the identification of sustainable development trajectories of Mediterranean agriculture through the integration of socio-economic indicators in the LPJmL (Lund– Potsdam–Jena managed Land Dynamic Global Vegetation and Water Balance Model). The research will be shaped as a thorough review of existing knowledge (with a particular focus on non-science information channels) integrated with a structured expert-based assessment concerning the relationship between socio-economic indicators and ecosystem services.
The involvement of the Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE, supervisor Dr. Alberte Bondeau) and the INRA Eco-development unit (INRA EcoDev, supervisor Dr. Claude Napoleone) will support the research and ensure a strong multi-disciplinary approach to the study of future scenarios of Mediterranean agriculture under global change scenarios.
Stefano Targetti holds a degree in Forestry and Environmental Sciences and a PhD in sustainable livestock systems (Consortium University of Florence and Turin). He had a doctoral research stage at the INRA Agro-systems Unit, Toulouse. He was research fellow at the Department of Agri-food Production and Environmental Sciences (University of Florence), at the Department of Agricultural Economics and Engineering and at the Department of Agricultural Sciences (University of Bologna). He is interested in interdisciplinary research dealing with different aspects of policies and environment in connection with agriculture, grassland biodiversity and functional ecology, agricultural landscapes and ecosystem services, rural competitiveness. Key topics are evaluation of ecosystem services, stakeholder-based assessment, multi-criteria evaluation, agro-environmental policy, indicators for agricultural systems. His work has focused European agriculture covering marginal as well as intensive systems. He was actively involved in the EU FP7 projects BioBio (Indicators for biodiversity in organic and low input farming systems) and CLAIM (Supporting the role of the Common Agricultural Policy in landscape valorisation: improving the knowledge base of the contribution of landscape management to the rural economy). He is author/ co-author in more than 10 peer-reviewed papers.