Giuseppe Bianco

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projet de recherche
Social and Vital Norms: the intellectual itinerary of Georges Canguilhem / Normes sociales et normes vitales: l'itinéraire intellectuel de Georges Canguilhem
Ce projet de recherche examine la pensée de Georges Canguilhem à partir de sa critique originale des sciences humaines et sociales. Je souhaite explorer la nature de relation existant entre cette critique et le développement de sa philosophie de la vie. Je vais notamment inscrire ce passage dans le cadre de la mutation générale de l’articulation entre sciences sociales et sciences de la vie en France. La littérature secondaire n’a pas encore fourni une explication de la complexité du travail de Canguilhem ni positionné sa pensée dans le cadre plus général de l’histoire de la philosophie et des humanités en France. Cette recherche vise à améliorer notre compréhension de la relation entre la philosophie, les sciences sociales et humaines et la politique en France.
After a BA from the University of Trieste (2001), a MA from Paris VIII University (2003) and a Phd from Lille3 University (2009), Giuseppe BIANCO has been researcher at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (2002-2005), researcher at Maastricht's Jan Van Eyck Academy (2009-2010), post-doctoral fellow at the CIRPHLES of the Ecole normale supérieure (2010-2011), and assistant researcher at the University of Warwick (2011-2014). Since 2006 he is one of the core members of the CIEPFC, which is part of the CIRPHLES. He also held positions as a post-doctotal fellow at CESSP (EHESS Paris) and the CEFRES in Prague (Czech Republic), and as an invited professor at the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil). He is currently post-doctoral researcher at IRPHIL in Lyon III University (France).
His work focuses on epistemological and methodological issues concerning the relations between history of philosophy, social history, intellectual history, sociology of philosophy and the study of cultural transfers (both between different disciplines and different national traditions). Giuseppe BIANCO is also interested in the history of philosophical institutions in Europe and in the transformations of the place of philosophy inside European society.