Bridging, Bonding, and Bordering Equipe

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Bridging, Bonding, and Bordering: Migrant Strategies and State Policies
Alongside these events, the research team will work on the nexus between migration and state policies and migrant responses to bordering Over the past two decades, a gap has developed in the field of migration studies between scholars studying border controls and transnational migration flows --the building and bridging of borders. It is time to go one step beyond and study exactly how bordering, rebordering, bridging and bonding interact. For example, what are the national and local policies that affect migrant practices? How have border control policies affected not only migration but also migrants’ social strategies, economic achievements and cultural practices? How do non-state actors and organizations assist migrants in bridging the ‘here’ and ‘there’ despite new forms of border enforcement? How do local social and economic effects if immigration inform government border policies?
With the sponsorship of the RFIEA, the ANR, and the SSRC, Professors Virginie Guiraudon (CNRS, Political Science) and Rubén Hernández-León (UCLA, Sociology) will organize an international conference and doctoral workshops to assist students to map and draw upon crossdisciplinary and transatlantic research on immigration in Western Europe and the United States.
Virgine GUIRAUDON, CNRS Research director at the Center for European Studies (CNRS/Sciences-Po) in Paris (International migration). She holds a PhD in Government from Harvard University. She has been a Marie Curie Chair Professor at the European University Institute in Florence, a visiting fellow at the Center for International Studies at Princeton University, and visiting professor at the UCLA sociology Department and the Madrid Center for Political and Constitutional Studies. She is a recipient of the Descartes-Huygens prize whose tenure she spent at the University of Nijmegen, and of the 2013 Mattei Dogan Foundation Prize. She has been appointed to the Belgian FNRS from 2013 as a member of the FORESIGHT interdisciplinary board and as a member of the Social science and humanities committee. Her main interests lie in the comparative politics of immigration and citizenship and also include European integration and transnational mobilization.
Ruben HERNANDEZ-LEON, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA. As of 2009 he is also the Director of the Center of Mexican Studies at UCLA. He holds a PhD in sociology from State University of New York at Binghamton.
Jacqueline HAGAN is Kenan Distinguished Professor of Sociology and previously Robert G. Parr Distinguished Term Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. Her research interests are: International migration between Latin America and the United States, migration and human rights, religion, social justice and migration, international migration and labor markets. She holds a PhD in sociology from the University of Texas at Austin. She has been Scholar in Residence, Fudan University, Shanghai, in Summer 2016 and the recipient of the 2011-2012 Fellowship Award, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington DC.
Victor ZUNIGA, Dean of the school of Education and Humanities at the Universidad de Monterrey, Mexico. His current projects are: international migrant children living in Mexico, new destinations of Mexicans in the United States, return migration from the United States to Mexico. He holds a PhD in sociology from Université Paris VIII. He is a member of the American Educational Research Association and of the Latino American Studies Association.