Michel Foucault: arts & humanities in the 21st Century


Thursday 12 June 2014h (All day) - Friday 13 June 2014h (All day)


Institut d’études avancées de Paris

17 Quai d'Anjou 75004 Paris

Tél. + 33 (0)1 56 81 00 52


plan d’accès 

Michel Foucault: arts & humanities in the 21st Century

Colloque du Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies co-organisé par l'IEA de Paris

Art and architectural history, visual culture, literary studies, media and film studies and aesthetics have all “partaken” of Foucauldian theories, but a comparative exploration of Foucault’s significance has been lacking.  If the reception of Foucault has focused on single disciplines and discrete areas of thought, it has also differed across specific linguistic and/or geo-political lines. This colloquium seeks to map the philosophy of Foucault as it impacts the future of the arts and humanities across cultures, institutions and practices.

