Sharon Farmer

Sharon Farmer
Résidents Labex RFIEA+
Résidents Programme EURIAS

dates de séjour

01/09/2013 - 30/06/2014


Histoire médiévale

Fonction d’origine


Institution d’origine

Département d'histoire, Université de Californie, Santa Barbara (États-Unis)

pays d'origine


projet de recherche

Medieval Paris and the Mediterranean: The Origins of the Paris Silk Industry in the Thirteenth Century

During the 2013-2014 academic year I intend to complete a monograph that will expand our understanding of Mediterranean immigration into medieval Northern France by examining the origins of the Parisian silk industry during the thirteenth century.   The first scholarly examination of the origins of the silk cloth industry in late thirteenth-century  Paris, this monograph will also provide the first book-length case study of the role that skilled Mediterranean artisans played in transforming the material culture of Northern France during the age of the crusades. Its discussion of women’s role in the silk industry will shed important light on gendered differences between the Northern French silk textile industry, on the one hand, and the linen and wool industries on the other.   Its discussion of the role of Jews and Jewish converts in the Parisian silk industry will transform our understanding of Jewish economic activity in Northwest Europe at this time.


I will participate in the weekly seminar of IEA, and am prepared to give a presentation to that semimar whenever asked to do so.  In March, I will give a presentation in Didier Lett’s seminar on “Famille, parenté et genre au Moyen Âge (XIIe-XVe siècles),” at the Université de Paris 7, on the role of women in the three Parisian textile industries – silk, wool and linen.


Sharon Farmer est professeure d’histoire médiévale à l’Université de Californie, Santa Barbara. Ses recherches portent notamment sur les femmes et le genre à l’époque médiévale, les relations entre le Nord de la France et le monde méditerranéen, l’histoire environnementale médiévale et l’histoire de la Bible au moyen âge et au début de l’époque moderne, la littérature dévotionnelle et la montée de l'imprimé, et les formes de vulnérabilité dans les sociétés pré-modernes.





22/11/2013 (All day) - 29/11/2013 (All day)