Interview de Rachel Mayeri

Interview de Rachel Mayeri


Rachel Mayeri


Arts et études des arts


Given the state of permanent crisis in regards to species extinction and the complex relationship between human and non-human primates, especially within the realm of scientific inquiry on primate cognition, I propose to work in an open-ended dialogue with researchers in the field of cognitive neuroscience on four related topics: (1) the creation of videos for the enrichment of lab animals, (2) cross-species neurocinematics : investigating how human and non-human minds read signs, (3) the formation of identity and affiliation between species, especially among scientists who work with animals, (4) primate cognition in crisis: looking at the relationship between decision-making and emotions. Depending on researchers’ desire to collaborate, I will either produce art project(s) described in further detail in my proposal, and/or a documentary about the dialogue itself.


My courses in humanities, art, and media studies are intended to promote critical thinking and creative expression. In Media and Democracy, we examine how mass media reflect and exert force upon the culture at large. In the Language of Film we analyze the aesthetic, psychological, economic, and ideological aspects of film. In Video Production, students put media theory to work - creating their own critical and creative media messages. These courses may be unique for Mudd students, because they entice them to work with students from other campuses and to communicate across the broader media-culture landscape. My teaching and artwork situate media at the center of culture and politics and serve as a conduit for personal expression as well. As an artist, I often make videos about the intersection of science and art. Last year, I produced a video entitled Stories from the Genome, which placed contemporary gene science within a history of speculative theories of reproduction. I have distributed my work along with many other videos by artists and scientists as a touring DVD video show and web site entitled Soft Science. The project is another way to elicit conversation and bridge the disciplines of scientists and artists.


Arts et études des arts
01/05/2010 - 30/06/2010
16/09/2013 - 15/12/2013


Photographe et réalisateur