Noah Brosch

dates de séjour
Fonction actuelle
Institution actuelle
pays d'origine
projet de recherche
(a) Extrapolation, (b) UV astronomy
(A) This project attempts to understand the extrapolation by which conclusions are reached in the absence of hard information. Extrapolation exists outside the strict mathematical domain and may be a basic ability of all life forms. I would like to create a unified view of extrapolation, probably in the form of a monograph, following a thorough literature survey and consultations with experts.
(B) I am the Principal Investigator of TAUVEX, a small space telescope dedicated to wide-field ultraviolet (UV) imaging. TAUVEX will be launched in 2009 and will perform a deep survey of a small fraction of the sky. Following the launch and the beginning of routine space exploitation, I would like to work together with LAS people with UV astronomy experience to understand the results.
Noah Brosch is an astronomer and emeritus professor at the Wise Observatory, Tel Aviv University. He holds a M.Sc. in physics from Tel Aviv University and a Ph.D. in astrophysics from Leiden University in the Nederlands. His research interests involve formation and evolution of galaxies with emphasis on environmental influences, space astronomy with emphasis on the ultraviolet, and small bodies in the Solar System. He has been the Director of the Wise Observatory (2000-2006 and 2007-2010) and the Vice-President of the International Astronomical Union Division XI "High Energy and Space Astronomy'' (2009-2012).