Megan MacDonald

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projet de recherche
The Way Back: Mediterranean Wakes and Urban Archival Futures
My interdisciplinary project on Mediterranean literatures and archives is a monograph whose aim is to bring connected urban histories into literary studies, and literary studies into the archive. In addition, it also breaks out of the often temporal frame of the postcolonial in Maghreb and Francophone studies, by marking passages and drawing a line between Mediterranean urban centers and events from the 18th century to the 21st century, telling a Mediterranean story through literature and the archive that resonates today. Uniting Mediterranean literatures and urban archives into one space forges a new critical topography of literature, migration, publishing, cosmopolitanism, artistic practice, and archives across the Mediterranean. This project will be at the forefront of the current re-turn to Mediterranean studies in literature.
Megan C. MacDonald is Assistant Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Koç University in Istanbul. She completed her PhD in Comparative Literature at SUNY Buffalo in 2012, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship in French at University College Cork as part of the IRCHSS Irish Research Council funded Project: "Algeria: Nation and Transnationalism, 1988-2010", with Dr. Patrick Crowley. Her current research interests include francophone Mediterranean literatures, feminist theory and representation, archive studies, migration studies, and Anglophone literatures from South Asia. She has published articles in journals such as the International Journal of Francophone Studies, Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, and Francosphères. She recently co-edited with Corbin Treacy a special issue of Expressions Maghrébines on the assassinated Algerian writer Tahar Djaout (2018) and co-edited with Patrick Crowley a special issue of Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, “The Contemporary Roman Maghrébin: Aesthetics, Politics, Production 2000-2015". Her forthcoming monograph The Postcolonial Navette: Francophone Passages and the Mediterranean Turn (Liverpool U.P.) looks at transnational and postcolonial francophone literatures and cinema in transit across unbounded Mediterranean spaces.