Cristina Corsi

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projet de recherche
Heading south. Transfer and communication along the route from the Alps to Rome: Cultural, devotional and material aspects of a medieval journey
The project at Iméra, entitled “Travelscapes. Transfer and communication along the route from the Pyrenees to the Alps: Cultural, devotional and material aspects of a medieval journey“ will be focussed on communication systems, connections and journey during the transitional phase between the fall of the Western Roman Empire (4th-5th c. AD) and Medieval times (12th c.), along the road connecting the Hispanic provinces with Italy, in Mediterranean France. The study will be carried out mainly in collaboration with the Labo 3M of the MMSH in Aix, but several other components of the cluster of excellence of Aix-Marseille will be involved. Indeed, emphasis will be on the examination of how people acquire information about their surrounding environment, and how observers understand the ‘landscape’. This interpretative perspective relies upon theories elaborated in the framework of disciplines such as the Environmental Behaviour Studies, and makes use of instruments and methodologies of research in Humanities, Anthropology, Geography, Earth Sciences, Information Technologies, Topography and Architecture.
Cristina Corsi, at present lecturer and adjunct professor in Archaeology at the University of Cassino. She got her master degree in Archaeology at the University "La Sapienza" of Rome; in 2000 she defended her Doctoral Dissertation in Archaeology (Topography) at the University of Bologna. In 2002 she achieved the Diploma of the National Specialization School in Archaeology at the University "La Sapienza" of Rome, in Medieval Archaeology. She got several post-doc fellowships (2006: "Fondation Franqui"; 2007: FWO (Flemish Fund for research); 2014: H2CU (College Italia, New York University), and she is Marie Curie fellow (Senior Researcher). From 2007 to 2013 she was visiting researcher at the Portuguese University of Évora. She coordinated and participated in large international projects, among which the European project “Radio-Past” on application of non-destructive techniques to study complex archaeological sites. Her main research interests are: Mediterranean Landscape Archaeology in the long-durée, Roman and Medieval Archaeology, specifically communication networks in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, good practice in archaeological diagnostics. She authored two volumes about road networks and infrastructures in Roman Italy and in Medieval Latium (Oxford 2000; Università della Tuscia 2012), and a volume with the presentation of archaeological excavations at the Roman town of Ammaia (Ghent 2014). She edited and co-edited proceedings of important international congresses ("Changing Landscapes. The impact of Roman town in the Western Mediterranean", “Urban Landscape Survey in Italy and the Mediterranean”), the volume presenting the survey of Ammaia (Ghent 2012) and a book devoted to guidelines in ‘Good Practice in Archaeological Diagnostics’ (Springer 2013). She authored and co-authored more than 50 papers in international journals and peer-reviewed proceedings volumes.