Abdesslam Boutayeb

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projet de recherche
Health Equity and Human Development in the Mediterranean Region
By the dawn of the third millennium, Health Equity has become a central issue. However, equity can mean different things to different people. Moreover, the principles underlying its definition and conceptualization may vary according to economic, medical, philosophical, political, ethical and other considerations.
The present project deals with Health inequity and human development as multidimensional issues spanned by geographical disparities (differences between different geographical areas), gender inequity (systematic differences in health between men and women determined economically, socially or culturally (not biologically or physiologically), ethnic inequalities: between different ethnic groups and socioeconomic inequalities: based on social, economic, political, cultural, linguistic and others (marginalised groups). The focus will be on the Mediterranean region.
Abdesslam Boutayeb is a professor of Applied Mathematics and Biomathematics at the University Mohammed Premier, Morocco. His research interests lie in applied mathematics, biomathematics and the measurement of inequalities. He obtained his Ph.D. in Numerical Analysis from Brunel University, United Kingdom. He has published in several peer-reviewed journals including, the International Journal for Equity in Health, Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, BMC Public Health, Applied Mathematical Sciences and International Journal of Computer Mathematics.